Friday, August 29, 2014

My Creation Z..Inspirational Poster Design..on Our Long Lost National Hero..Great Inspiration for Todays Youth..Bhagat Singh

One evening a boy of three was out for a walk with his father. There was also an elderly man with the father. Chatting they walked on and went beyond the village. Green crop delighted the eyes. The elders were walking along the edge of a field. Not hearing the footsteps of the boy, the father looked back. The boy was sitting on the ground and seemed to be planting some thing. The father became curious.

"What are you doing?" said he.

"Look, father, I shall grow guns all over the field" was the innocent reply of the boy. His eyes shone with the strong faith that guns would grow in the field. Both the elders were struck with wonder at the little boy's words.

The boy was Bhagat Singh who later fought like a hero for India's freedom and sacrificed his life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Enquire Peace at Golden Pagoda,Mumbai

         The Global Vipassana Pagoda is a Meditation Hall near Gorai, North-west of Mumbai..
                                       Captured some of its Glimpse